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Smart city environmental measurement data service solution

    In 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission formulated the "Implementation Plan for the Strength and Weakness of Urban Domestic Waste Classification and Treatment Facilities", which requires that by 2023, areas with a daily domestic waste removal and transportation capacity of more than 300 tons should accelerate the development of incineration-based waste treatment methods, and appropriately advance the construction of incineration treatment facilities that are compatible with the amount of domestic waste removal and transportation, by 2023 Basically achieve "zero landfill" of domestic waste every year. 

    Integrated solid waste treatment system

    Since the implementation of the solid waste treatment charging system in China, how environmental protection enterprises cooperate with environmental supervision departments to build a supervision platform to carry out effective law enforcement has become the main direction of intelligent environmental protection. The intelligent weighing system accurately measures the waste treated by the waste incineration station, serves as the basis for charging, and uploads the data to the operating enterprises and regulatory authorities.

    Garbage collection sorting system

    In 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the notice on the Action Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Price Mechanism during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period, pointing out that the management information platform and intelligent terminal for the whole process of garbage classification and treatment will be fully supported for the sanitation industry. And under the implementation of non-resident kitchen waste metering and charging policy, higher requirements are put forward for the accuracy and reliability of garbage weighing system.

    Waste transfer disposal system

    The garbage is intelligently weighed, and the data is intelligently summarized and uploaded to the comprehensive supervision platform. Using voice announcement, reservation delivery, face recognition, video surveillance and other big data traceability, to solve the problems of garbage delivery chaos and lack of law enforcement basis.